Discover the beauty of the Earth!

A collection developed to offer an exciting
virtual air tourism experience
A mix of reality and fantasy to pay homage to the beauty of our planet, in which different Regions of the world are visited in detail through unforgettable tours developed on customized sceneries, on which you will be given voice directions for navigation, along with information and facts about the places you will fly over.
But that will only be the beginning of your journey,
because each Region offers so many more activities,
for piloting, exploring and just fun!
There are the Tours, which allow you to learn about the geography and history of the area, and then landing challenges, discovery flights, day and night VFR flights using VORs, IFR flights under different conditions, and again, airtaxi, SAR, courier, scramble and emergency management missions, or historic, airliner and aerobatic aircraft flights!
Lots of different ways to fly, based on airports, airfields, airstrips, heliports, and helipads for eVTOLs, which have either been enhanced from the basic simulator style, or designed and created specifically for this experience!

The flight plans are designed to fly over each Region as completely as possible, with different planes, altitudes, speeds and weather conditions, to give you lots of views of the area and vocal information about the geography, history and curiosity of the places you visit.
In each Regional Tour you will always have a STOL landing or takeoff, a touch-and-go, or a water landing or ice landing to do!
Discover the world in a new way, and when you have finished,
continue the fun using the airports included in the Tours!The
Regions Tours
Browse the catalog of this Product Series and collect the Regions!